Monday, August 4, 2014

Back To School Or Hurry Up and Go already...Celebration Time Mom!!

 Well my dear fans, it has been a while.I have been busy with my granddaughter.I was loving every minute of having a inquisitive seven year old little girl in the house. I miss having a little kid that loves and needs you. My youngest just turned 17 and she is not happy. Oh , teenage angst!.Sigh. Some days she is sweet as pie and the next moment , I want to put her in the trash bag next to the curb!! Just kidding! Once she turns twenty she will be fine.My 22 year old was the same way. Now we are cool! Lucky for me, I didn't have to deal with that all summer! My daughter just came back from studying in a Japanese high-school all summer. For those who don't know, my daughter taught herself Japanese at the age of 13, on the internet. Only because she loved Anime and was tired of reading the sub-titles. I told her by the time she was 17 she will go to a Japanese exchange student program. She did it! I am so proud!! She didn't want to leave Japan! She said there were a lot of Americans in Hiroshima who came to visit and didn't leave. I am preparing my self because I believe she may want to go to collage there and stay for good. She told me she just feels like she belongs there.Sigh again, my kids are grown and I'm not that old and I don't find this fair! Grand children is enough, thanks to my step-sons! I don't have enough gray hair! Grunt! Now back to you guys.....
  Congratulations to all the Mom's whom are sending their kids back to school!! NO MORE" I'M BORED, MOM" My reply was if you are that bored take your butt back to school, so I can rest! Am I right ladies? Sheesh! For the back to school Mom's- step away from your computer and pat yourself on the back for making through another summer! For the new Moms sending their kids to school for the first time-let go of the hand they will be fine. If they start to cry, Don't look back, It will just break your heart.
For all the Mom's sending your kids off to collage its basically the same as when you sent your baby off to school the first time! Let go of their hand and don't look back or they may see you crying.
 No matter what you are doing come this September or late August( for all my people down south, luckyyyy), remember-worry makes you old before your time. Not good for the skin. That night, when you get your first " so how was your first day at school" and the reply...either" I hate all my teachers or I got every course I wanted or High-school is great or I made my first friend ever and now we are going to be besties for life(Kindergarten). Sit back and have some tea and give yourself a nice soothing facial.
  Hope your summer of 2k-14 was great, now its back to business!!

Thanks for your patience!

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