Thursday, June 19, 2014

How To Wash You Makeup Off Completely

It is most important to clean all the makeup off your skin. If you sleep in it or Not completely get all the stuff off under your eyes, you will age faster than you are supposed too.
I had a friend who wore makeup from the time she was 13. Now at the age of 44 she looks at least in her fifty's. Since I was a little girl my mother got me into the habit of using an astringent and a toner after each face wash.
#1 Wash your face with either a circular brush, a buff puff or a apricot scrub. Use q tips with warm water to get off the eyeliner in the waterline of your eye. Try not to use to many chemicals on your face. Along with the apricot scrub I like to use a clay mask (weekly)and Johnson's baby soap to cleanse you skin gently to get all the apricot shells off your skin.
#2 First rinse with warm water and gradually rinse it in tepid water.
#3 Use the astringent with a cotton pad with a scrubbing pattern. Then use a toner to tighten and brighten your complexion.
#4 Use a moisturizer for night time, depending on your skin type, if you need help choosing one, leave a comment and explain your skin type and I will give you a good moisturizer. During the day , the most important thing to do is have a moisturizer with a sunscreen. Don't forget to use a base as well under your makeup.
Once a week at night you should use olive oil as a moisturizer at night. Do Not use every night or you will clog your pores.
#5 Enjoy looking in your thirties at the age of 50.
#6-P.S Don't forget to give yourself a facial once a week. Never do it three days before you have to go out because it bring out all the imperfections in your skin and with some people it may cause zits.

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